Tips for Planning a New Ear Piercing for Back to School

Are you thinking about going back-to-school with a new ear piercing? Here are some tips to help you prepare.

  1. Timing

We understand life gets busy, especially in the summer months! If you can, try to get your new ear piercing a few weeks before school starts. This will give you time to get into a good aftercare routine and let your piercing start to heal before the busy new school year begins.

  1. School Rules

Does your school have a dress code or rules that prevent you from wearing earrings? Do you play a contact sport that will require you to remove your earrings before games and practice? If your answer to either of these questions is yes, you will want to plan your piercing for next summer vacation – or the off season – when you will have the full 6 weeks needed to allow a new earlobe piercing to heal.

  1. Aftercare Routine

For safe healing of a new piercing, it’s important to develop an aftercare routine to ensure you’re following all the guidelines properly. For all piercings, we recommend:

  • KEEP YOUR NEW PIERCING CLEAN & DRY: Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your ears or piercing earrings.
  • CLEANSE 3X DAILY: Cleanse the front and back of the piercing site 3x daily using Inverness Aftercare Solution.
  • ROTATE YOUR EARRINGS: Rotate the earrings completely during cleansing to prevent the posts from adhering to the ear.

Are you ready to get pierced? Click here to find an Inverness location near you!
